Thursday, May 19, 2011

Decision: Mind's Eye

Hey, A little excerpt about what I went through before making a big decision, i.e., to go for a change.
We value what we have to give up more than what we might gain.
We hate to loose things. That’s our nature. We hate to loose, be it something monetary  or emotional. 

I was at Odyssey book store, in R-City mall over the weekend whence  I was mulling over whether to go for the opportunity I was being presented.
I was thinking harder and harder, taking into account every possible angle which was occurring to my worried mind.
I was calculating plus and minus in every possible straight and shrewd way. I was running around in circles to convince myself by myself.
Possibilities, negatives more than the positives, were churning a cyclonic thought process which was leading me nowhere.
I was fearing more of loosing what I have in my hand. I was not ready to take risks.

I was browsing through books and I was least interested to buy any of them because I just wanted to be at my favorite place at that moment just to feel little better, i.e., a big book store.
It was 30th.April.2011. I was into a whirlwind for deciding upon my coarse of future career.
Just at the same time I came across a book. “The Truth About Making Smart Decisions”. I was starving for something to read and bring my mind to peace.
I picked it up and turned over to the contents page. One chapter caught my eye, “Giving Up Something ? Get over it !”. I didn’t care to turn to the chapter and placed the book back onto the shelf and again started moving around other shelves. Then somehow an intuition occurred, and I felt that book might help me. And I returned back and picked it up. Didn’t even cared to read, went to payments counter, made the payment and came back home.

After some of my regular internet wriggling, I picked that book and read a few pages. Then turned straight to the chapter I was interested at the first glance, i.e., the one mentioned above.
Then I came across another one titled, “You are not clever as you think you are”. Always surround yourself with the people who can challenge you. Approach new challenges as student and learner rather than as an expert. I turned a few more pages and got a different angle to think upon my decision. I was feeling little better and was ready to weigh my chances once again. At least the feeling of confusion was fading away.

I am sharing this with you because what I realized is, it is really hard to identify the right opportunity by just pondering over facts and statistics. Most of the times the fear of loosing the bird in hand is bigger than if we are presented with two to catch in both hands. We become suspicious over the auspicious offers. Fear of loosing is the thing we need to overcome. Our every decision is a half chance and so is everybody else’s. Once we make a decision we are just 50% done with it. The rest 50% is the part where we need to work and put in efforts to make the decision right one and working for us. It is always in our hands to make things work for us, sometimes the path is difficult and sometimes it is easier.

Wherever we go we will have to work hard. Whether you are a farmer, a businessman, an employee, a shopkeeper or anything else, you’ll have to put in hard work to make things work in your way.

Do not get dragged by the life wherever it drives you, drag your life towards the way you want to see yourself walking.

P.S. All of the above matter is a spill of my mind’s eye which is like an ever blinking shutter. Do not think hard on any part if you feel in contrast with me.