Saturday, December 11, 2010

Lonely Birds ...

Fly high, look towards the sky
Propelled by your desires, by your dreams, don't be shy
Relax the aching wings, cry out the sigh
Don't give up, don't give in, try, try and try !

Find the one, sign the covenant, make the promise
Testify your emotions, justify your promise
You fly in embrace and there will be no last kiss
Board the train of togetherness, don't miss

Every life is an unturned book
Claim plethora of happiness and joy, put ego off the hook
Give and get is the mantra for which we must look
Make each other better, be together rather than going into a nook

Look at the beautiful world
Let the surge of love swirl
It is then the destinies are intertwined and together they sweetly churn
Let the words ego, pride and " I " burn.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I wonder why ? ! ... I wonder How ? !

I wonder are we defined ? I wonder if not then how that can be ? I find myself standing in this world, people rushing past and forth me. I wonder what is the rush ? I wonder how they will be at easy ?
I wonder when people say we are happy ? Are they really ? I wonder if emotions are really left in this world or is it the materialism taking over the every molecule. I wonder will I be really missed when I am gone ? If not then why shall I care for anyone apart from me ? Can anything quench this thirst for being loved and noticed ?

I wonder can anything replace the shear joy of personal achievement and gratification. I know each soul today is alone within the sea of human crowd. Watching all this crisscross, it feels that it would have been much better to be born a hundred years before than today and be dead by now. Today's watch words can be said as ::--

Solitude is a better Habitat,
Melancholy is a better Friend,
Individualism is better Mentor,
Aggression is better Master,
Indifference is better Sentinel,
Ruthlessness is better trait.

Best way to describe this world, I find the following words ::--

Baazeechaa-e-atfaal hai duniya mere aage
Hota hai shab-o-roz tamaasha mere aage.

What does that means ? !! Here it goes.

The surrounding is like a children's playground as I see it,
There is something silly/senseless happening everyday as I see it.

In the end what it feels like is we are just biological entities, destined to be born, grow, reproduce and just like any other living creature die one day. Does anything else really matters ? Does anything really counts ? Does anything really exists ?

Yes there is something else and it is big word, "COMFORT". That is we want all the time. Starting from the time we are born, as a baby we want it, as an adult we want it, as an elderly we want it. As a child comfort is getting what we want, as a young comfort stands in materialism and as an elderly comfort exists in respect we get and when people listen to our experiences and apply them in their lives.

I wonder this cycle is so well formed and so well established ? I wonder is there something outside this cycle ? I wonder how can we be at peace ? I wonder how to fulfill this curiosity ? I don't want the answers, I don't want the comfort, I don't want to be. Yes I don't want to see the world being a part of this world. I wonder why I want so, I wonder how to be this way which I want to ?