Saturday, December 11, 2010

Lonely Birds ...

Fly high, look towards the sky
Propelled by your desires, by your dreams, don't be shy
Relax the aching wings, cry out the sigh
Don't give up, don't give in, try, try and try !

Find the one, sign the covenant, make the promise
Testify your emotions, justify your promise
You fly in embrace and there will be no last kiss
Board the train of togetherness, don't miss

Every life is an unturned book
Claim plethora of happiness and joy, put ego off the hook
Give and get is the mantra for which we must look
Make each other better, be together rather than going into a nook

Look at the beautiful world
Let the surge of love swirl
It is then the destinies are intertwined and together they sweetly churn
Let the words ego, pride and " I " burn.

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