Monday, July 26, 2010


Really confused, about we are doing is right or wrong ? Really confused, about making a decision. Really confused, about making a statement. Really confused, about taking an initiative. Apprehensive, about the outcomes of our intentions. Apprehensive, about our emotions. Apprehensive, about our getting along.

Hesitation leads to confusion and confusion leads to apprehension. When all three exists, it is worst to handle things, believe me it is really. This all writing I am doing must be considered only when you are done with the part of thinking about what steps might me taken regarding some situation in your life and now you want to choose the best step you must go ahead with. Then, if it suits you; you can weigh that chosen step against the thoughts I am trying to supply.

Fear of loosing drives all the above confusions and apprehensions. We put in so much trying to draw the textuals and textures of our life that we almost stop enjoying it. Enjoying, here doesn’t means, laughing out loud and spending time having to do nothing. But, I want to relate enjoying with the shear pleasure of the gratification we draw out of what we did and what we are doing and what we intend to do.

An emotional learning of and feeling, the job you do is more important than intellectual learning. Intellectually, solutions are always there to any problem, we can be more calm and stable and in our right minds when we are emotionally accomplished.

There are so many words around, like, do what you find interest in and you will deliver the best. But, what if we are bound to do what we don’t want to do deep down in ourselves. There have to be an accord between our brain and our heart while doing something or while making any decision. Brain and Heart, they both are mighty driving forces in everybody’s life. Brain is rational, gives solid formed reasons to carry forward. Heart is sentimental and overpowers the brain now and then to make you do things. An accord is very necessary here because when you do what you don’t want to do, strikes an imbalance of forces within yourself and there arises the state of confusion. CONFUSION :: Nine lettered word but big enough to drive us crazy. Then follows apprehension. It is a by-product actually and further weakens you down.

Guys, I am no Philosopher, no Psychiatrist. I just want to deliver some thoughts. Be Simple, Be direct, Just go ahead and do what your gut says you should do. Hesitation leads to confusion and confusion leads to apprehension. When all three exists, it is worst to handle things, believe me it is really.

Don’t hesitate and the later stages will never cross our worried mind. Whatever you want to do just do it. Be it achievements on professional front, be it  proposing to a girl/guy you like, be it moving ahead and helping someone, be it opining yourself, be it opposing someone you think who is wrong, be it making a stand when everyone is opposing you. Be it anything. NEVER HESITATE !!. Trying once and loosing is far much better than hesitating, then becoming confused and then being apprehensive about N number of outcomes about a single problem. And that problem never is the thing we are trying to find a solution of. The real problem is the hesitation inside us that drives us nuts every now and then.

In the end, to all of you, reading this, guys, life and world is waiting for you to come, don’t hesitate to move towards it. Go ahead and take challenge, propose to the girl or guy you intend to, go ahead and opine yourself, go ahead and take a stand. The life will become easy. The worst is that you will loose at something but you will not loose your life. When your existence is not threatened then why not give it a chance, be it anything.

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