Sunday, January 30, 2011


A week long irritation, neck pain, still continuing, holding on to me like a friend saying, “you will find me there, I will be there for you”. The pain kissing me each time I turn my neck. A fever, a bacterial infection, a sprain in the neck and excessive work in office is how I began year 2011. I watched one of my favorite movies, American Desi yesterday night. The character Saleem and his opinions about marriage and life some how appeals to me. And I do corroborate to his apprehensions and fears too. What if he is right ? The other guy Ajay Pandya(AJ) is the one that stood out for me when I first saw the movie. The carefree attitude and the freaky things he does is the way I take things sometimes. But, people around me prove to be too serious and “GROWN UPS” to take things like that. Who cares. Huh ! I freak out in my own ways.  

Sometimes I think if I will get time and I be myself then there will be too much noise, very pathetic kind of dance which I own the copyright for and nothing serious to do, a good game of basketball which I can pay to play, flying kites, tickling people around me and plentiful of time wastage, talking in native language – Bhojpuri and enjoying. But, I guess there is an imposition now of being GROWN UP. So to pay for this GROWN UP thing. Who wants to be like that ? Some people find it worthwhile to go to malls as leisure activity and have fun by just walking around, commenting of people and giving their own opinions as the rightful things and bestowing upon one or two shallow philosophy kind of thoughts.

 I guess the best way to spend a day of leisure is with children and playing with them whole day long. Just go to some park, get into some children game, team up and run with them, shout with them, do all kinds of silly things which GROWN UPS don’t do. If that’s what GROWN UP means then all those GROWN UPS suck big time. I want to be FORREST GUMP, I want to play HOME ALONE. I just do not want that childish curiosity die within me just because I am now couple of feet taller and finding my own ways to survive in the world rather than depending on my parents. Wouldn’t it be cool to play hide and seek on the terrace or in a garden with all seriousness as we used to do in early days ? Wouldn’t it be cool to run to the window to see out on hearing an airplane passing near the house. Wouldn’t it be cool to tell your parents what you do and how you do in order to make them understand how serious you do things and you r not stupid, they won’t feel otherwise or mad of you because they have experienced this with you for many years. You are still the same child for them. 

Little things become precious and to be remembered. But, then GROWN UP funda spoils all this fun. According to me GROWN UP means understanding the life, its meaning, the world around and assimilate its beauty before you die. Think upon the things around you, talk about hows and whats and whys of the world rather than gossiping about the Film fair awards and who got what ? Don’t peek into other’s private lives and do not dependent on anybody. Make some meaning out of your actions, either for yourself or for your family or for someone else who understands. “Enjoy life” is a popular phrase these days and people turn its meaning into disrespecting other, not caring for anyone’s sentiments and spoiling their own lives.

There is a lot to be discovered and to know what has been discovered and invented already. Never let that childish curiosity and the child like attitude die in yourself because when these things come out they are the real instruments to enjoy life. Now, in the end I say, “ENJOY LIFE”, do the necessary to survive and ENJOY the world around. With this I mean the real world not the not created by we humans. 

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