Saturday, January 23, 2010

Chill out Friday

A Friday, a usual day, work in office, smiling with colleagues, pulling legs getting it all on self too, good mood bad mood, fighting laziness and desire for a siesta after lunch, hanging sideways in the chair, waiting impatiently for the day to get over and sweet weekend to start, all in all a usual Friday. But, it ended on a greater note, went for bowling with friends, for the first time I played this sport. It was cool I liked it and it is nice sport to pass time.

I did kind of okay for a first timer, rolling the big heavy balls sometimes in right areas and sometimes in wrong areas .. he he .. a first timer is allowed all this. Then Mr. Sandeep aka Sandy bhai, dropped us to our homes in his new car, he is learning to drive and he was driving pretty well just in a short period of one week.

As I decided, stepping into 2010, I will change back to how I used to be in college days. I will enjoy life as I did, ambition and desire for fast progress was taking its toll on me and I too bowed down to all these mounting pressures of life. But, now I am again feeling free as I decided to break free, the wreckage will take a little time to get into old shape again, I will not retrograde ever from here to say it precisely and the feeling is already great.

 Some day in February we are deciding on a project outing, I am in already and will make it count. Fortunately I am having good friends who do care for me and I know I must value them also. One positive decision and life is already like a cool breeze and I want to fly even higher into it, want to experience the jet stream higher above.. he he .. Well, stepping into 2010 has made me stronger and one more thing which I used to think but now I am doing it, I am breaking free off the chains that bound me. Or I can say I am surfing the soft welcoming icy, unexplored slopes of life and want to experience the shear thrill of going fast and uncontrolled. Control and slowness are predecessors of brooding dullness in life.

I know me pretty well and the thing with me that I can't be tied down to one place with something, I love new challenges and moving on in life. It is useless to stop the life train at any one station and let other trains pass by ... We must keep on moving all the time. Drag the life a little bit your way and get dragged by it a little bit in its own way and eventually all the pieces start falling in place for sure.

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