Sunday, January 10, 2010


End(not of human life), its inevitable, it always comes uninvited, makes no sound, clearly visible all the time, no one can escape it. It comes for everything, dear or loathed, loved with life or hated to death. It swallows, it destroys, it devastates, it perishes, shows no mercy. End is more painful then death, it never spares, no matter how much hard you try, it doesn’t listens, it undeniably broods over, leaves no space for positive energies to help in recovery … putting a fight is worthless, it goes only when the end itself decides, it has to go. It shows a mirage of light and relief ahead but, that path towards light keeps on elongating on its own, also, the path becomes dreadful with each step forward. Again, this piece of writing is not about ending of a life form of any kind, not human not any other animal or plant.

Sometimes, something ends very privately, sometimes people watch it coming along with others. Sometimes the end is only for one but it is known to many, but no body can help, not even GOD, if he exists. As we say all is GOD’s creation, but i doubt that when he created this virus,The End” he was ever able to invent an antidote, not even till date. Or might be we are just experimental rats and this earth is a laboratory where GOD is experimenting with different things and most deadly of all, “The end”. End could have been bearable, but it directly hurts your emotions/sentiments. The weakest component of human soul, with least defenses.

The after shocks brought in when the end begins to settle down, can’t be a notch lower than what we feel on earth in the middle of an earthquake. The same quake starts inside the brain. Because of the after shocks, brutally affected parts of brain are those which control the emotions/sentiments, capacity to bear/tolerate/abide, control over what we speak, how we react, what we are ready to listen and accept. Nothing seems meaningful. A surge of emotional tsunamis are triggered owning to the realization of how absolutely helpless we become against “The End”.  The end can’t be frightened away, can’t be defeated, can’t be killed. The only choice is to bear it, and live with it.
End is also very personally attributed to each individual it affects, the after math of the end is just meaningless to the people who are not facing same kind of end in their own lives. When people observe the reactions, thoughts of a person experiencing the end, they say, “What crap is this all about? Can’t you be just normal? Have you lost your senses? Be practical? Think ! Move on!”. And these all dialogues appear equally crap, abnormal and superficial to the person who is experiencing an end with something in his own life, which he don’t want to loose. Such a person confronts others and says, “You people won’t understand, ever. Leave me be alone. It is my problem, I’ll handle it. Don’t be bothered about me out of your happy life. Go away ! For GOD’s sake”. People in such times become saints, they advice the victim, “keep on fighting, make a stand, you can overcome this, you are special, everything that happens is for betterment, always”. But inside, the person bearing the end and putting a fight against its phenomenal power, knows that he cannot win in any possible way. He has to surrender and let the end feast over him, gratify it with all what it wants, till it is satisfied and leaves for some new victims.

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