Sunday, January 10, 2010

One girl … likes discomforts … Lolzzz … is her favorite expression

I know a girl(Identity kept anonymous), I observed. She likes discomforts not literally but she likes to have experiences, obscure ones, observing around her. She likes to do things with a tinge of raw into the methods of doing them. She avoids the obvious options and go for the twisted ones but she likes it. She, also, quite successfully, oscillates between her comfort zone and her discomfort zone. Getting uncomfortable and bouncing back out of it. She is not totally a gone case experimenting with life in weird ways. She enjoys the happenings around her, take the necessary to be done head on and tries her way out of the situations and this way she learns. She learns with experiences, the best way of learning. All what passes away is seen off with a lovely smile by this girl and she moves on, bubbling with excitement, towards new experiences waiting for her. I understand this and admire the view behind it.
But as I said this girl don’t literally wants to feel the discomfort, she does all the necessary things in proper manner but with little more efforts so that she must know the ground realities and the ways to survive in this vast, ruthless world. So, that she can sustain with lesser means. And this is a very good point of view to make oneself ready to meet the discomfort face to face when it actually broods over. Hope she develops this thing more and more because life is never a red carpet to roll on. In the end it will be she who could bear odds with easy at any point of time unless the odds are too much to take on her own. I want to recommend this girl to watch the movie, “Little Miss Sunshine”. A very good flick about a little young girl who is confident and wants to participate in a competition and she is backed by the family all the way.
She, as appears, is a down to earth being, doesn’t creates much fuzz about her achievements and doings. The same principle I follow in different words, “Never congratulate yourself on whatever you do, there are always new grounds to be covered”. She enjoys the nature around and the people. The beauty of natural things and also the artifacts. She observes people around and their behaviors and reactions in different situations. She let people do their things and she does her own. Another good thing for peaceful living but, I find it little opposite with me, I react strongly when things are not being done in proper way. If the situation is beyond my control then I switch to the mode “Let it be”.
Now, I kind of lack going for the discomfort factor because without my asking of discomforts I have had enough of them and I have experienced a lot with life till now. I have met people and felt situations mostly bad, so now I don’t want more of it in my life. Now, all I want is to be comfortable and keep my immediate family comfortable, my existing family as well as my would be family. But, yes this also very true, I got an idea out of this girl to make my would be family taste discomforts deliberately so that they make remain aware of the ground realities and do not flinch when discomfort really hammers them someday coming out of nowhere. Doesn’t mean I’ll deprive them of anything but yes, I will make them do certain things the hard way only.
I have my own theory for this comfort/discomfort thing. When a child is born he/she is aware of nothing around him/her. He/she doesn’t know about his/her body, the limbs, ears, eyes, nose nothing at all. He/she cannot define what is happening or he/she is experiencing when looking around. He/she don’t have the sense of importance of food for living. He/she cannot understand anything but at this elementary/very raw stage of his physical abilities a child does have the sense of comfort and discomfort.
A child cries when he/she feels discomfort say it be the hunger, be it pain, be it fear, be it anything. Every feeling that makes him/her cry is only discomfort caused to him/her. He/she cannot categorize this feeling into fear, hunger, pain or anything else. Its just the discomfort. So, when a child, just one day old in this world can understand discomfort and react to it then this must be the most elementary thing in nature and the child chooses the comfort. So, why opt for discomfort anyways.

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