Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Choice ?

Choice, we say is the power of selection, chosen thing or the “best part”. We all are so different with our different choices. Why is so ? We attribute this behavior of choice to DNA, Genes, Society, Zodiac, Needs or just for the sake of making a choice we choose. We choose our clothes, we choose our education, we choose our home, we choose our things of daily use, we choose our life partner. Day in and day out we continuously make choices and ninety percent of the times we are dis-satisfied with our choices. Then comes in a BIG word “if”. If we would have chosen so or in such a way is the line we think and say. Why not make a careful choice initially itself ?
Our choices go wrong because nearly all the time we are chasing our dreams and try to make our dreams come true with our choices. Hither thither we waste our choices till the extent we are so trapped by them and can’t get away. I am not intending  to impart any magical mantra of life or going to lecture about making choices. It is the hit and trial method always with which we human beings learn all the time. It is the primary cult of our learning curve.
I just want to ask few questions. Do we not know while making a choice about the possible good and bad outcomes of the choice ? Why don’t we weigh our choices against obscure reasoning related to that choice ? Why we always go for the obvious reasons and complete the process of choosing ? Why the choice becomes our destiny when the outcome is good and why it becomes our bad luck when the outcome is not favorable ? Why we attribute our failure of choice to bad luck and GOD’s wish ? Why we do not take charge and say yes I am responsible for making a bad choice ? Why don’t we accept it was solely our responsibility to make a right choice ?
As far as my horizon of learning permits me to see, I find, we humans are so weak emotionally and psychologically that we always need a support. An emotional and psychological support in the name of GOD, or in the name of Destiny, or in the name of Good luck or Bad luck. A support is what we need all the time.
But, isn’t it beautiful, a support out of no where soothes us to our inner cores and gives us power to re-build ourselves and take on a fresh start !!! Beautiful is the power of brain, it makes us believe so convincingly, the presence of this unseen and intangible support around us. Beautiful is the evolution that has brought mankind to such a successful state.
Isn’t the world around us is so beautiful offering us so many niche packs of choices for each one of us. All we need to do is to become stronger emotionally and psychologically over the learning curve of making right choices. Personally, I don’t want to be stronger emotionally, It is beautiful being weaker at it.

1 comment:

  1. Changing the background colour from black to something light might just enhance readability. Its just a suggestion. And a good read by the way!

    Anoop Vijayan
