Sunday, January 10, 2010

All Is Well.

Today’s(24th,Dec.’09) evening was the most awaited  evening for every one in my office and for me too. I  wrapped up the work by afternoon and then I  just  took care of tit-bits and passed the time for the clock  to hit 6:15 p.m. mark, when I will proceed to shut down my  workstation.
I booked a ticket for the new release “3-Idiots”. In the  evening, I got off the bus and plodded towards the flat  I dwell these days in Mumbai and thought, “hadn’t  it been better if I would have booked the ticket rather  for tomorrow” ? I was tired and needed a good night’s  sleep. The idea to book the seat hatched in my mind  at a jolly hour of the day when I wrapped up some  important work before time. Now, I had to honor the  money invested and be pliant enough to stretch  myself for few more hours. I had to jostle my way to  into the lounge which was packed with people for the  same show. In the end the experience I had, left me  placid with good optimism towards life and more because I related myself with the movie very easily.
I was alone like most of the times, solemnly following the disciplined time management that I stick to with my routine. It feels good to be sharp on mark without depending on others to come and share the leisure time. I believe, I have my own share of space and time in this universe and I don’t need anyone to come in and join me when I want to have fun and experience tranquility. But, of-course, if I feel someone worthy enough of sharing my time and space then, I do long for such company and am always ready to walk an extra mile to be with that person. But, not getting a company never lets creep in a feeling of remorse in me. Well, getting back to the movie.

I watched the movie in total awe, a wonderful and awesome message giving movie and this time, yes, I can say without even a slightest squirm that whatever I plan, set goals and think, I heard and saw that during the entire movie and it made me feel really good. A little life philosophy for which people often criticize me and say me that I go out of the way and do not come with the masses and I have my own ways of doing things. Yes, I accept it very much now, with all confirmation I saw while those three hours.
The movie in all it’s terrific pace, script, mood and conclusion made some silent statements in the end which we can say is a message for all of us and not only for the people who are in their student’s phase of life. The messages I felt are ::
1.) Never run for the WORKAROUNDS and SMART working, which are the buzz words around these days. Learn the basics very well of anything you do, and get into the depths, doesn’t matter if you do it slowly. Doing it slowly shows you are learning throughly because you are going into tiny details and cross questioning with yourself while you learn.
2.) Go by your instincts(for everything in life), follow the Nike punch line, “Just Do It !!” or even better let us say it the Richard Brenson’s way, “Screw It ! Lets Do It !!. Always take the initiative if you feel you are ready for it and you can bear the succeeding of it.
3.) Be courageous enough to express yourself, it is a hard fact that 7 out of 10 times we do not express ourselves or take decisions at the right time and later we regret with the big word “IF”. If I would have done so, then things would have been better. If would have done so, then who knows things could have swayed in my favor. If I would have done so, then at least I would had a clearer idea of the things going on, etc, the list is long.
4.) Never learn something just for the sake of doing it, in order to utilize the knowledge for a short period of time. Always learn and study for the sake of knowledge and not for just the sake of doing it.
5.) Every good or creative or innovative thing/thought/method has to pass through three stages :- Ridicule, Opposition and Acceptance. To get to the last stage needs endeavor with endurance. Never listen to what people say while passing through the first and second stage otherwise they will definitely manipulate you very notoriously.

6.) Always keep things simple and straight and crystal clear, be it anything in life. Understand the basic fact that people can comprehend you better if you speak in a simple and clear language. Never play the clue and hints game, it makes things harder and sometimes casts an altogether different shadow of the perspective you want to put forward. Complex things/behavior/thoughts/perceptions take away the beauty of simplicity. Be frank, expressive and true with whatever you say to others around you. Fabricating  the thoughts just murders the innovation.

Okay, dear audience, thank you so much for reading this post, I  want to write more but it is 3:30 a.m. in the morning and I am now,  tired like just out of hell after such a long day. Catch you with more  posts soon, I have a long weekend to thing and scrawl.
Thank you again.

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