Sunday, January 10, 2010

A day in my life ...

A day began, Friday, the celebrating Friday, taking  me  towards  the  dreading Monday. Friday evening  brings so  much, hopes,  relief, joy,  moments to be self  for  sometime. .... Today started a  little different  ... I  was  trying a jeans with a half shirt in office after  a  long  time.  I  knew I'll be hearing some comments ....  but  then  people ... piled  them on me ... during the  breakfast,  lunch and the  tea break ... apart  from this ..  odd  comments kept on coming in  my working bay.

I know they all like me ... but none know me closely ...    They all  were  commenting saying I looked good ...  some  were in leg  pulling mood  ... but it was all  healthy  ... I like  them all in return ...  but the only  thing I can't  share with  them is my time ... because I  have made  my  time so in-  sufficient for me. The  credit goes to all  the time i have  wasted in past. Well, lets not discuss that .. I was just going to write some things about today. A typical Friday in my life.

Returning back from office I discussed career with one of my colleagues ... he is the one who gives genuine advices ... Came home .. waited for my better friend at the rented apartment shared by four of us ... all working in the same organization ... I switched my laptop on ... checked some latest movie releases ...nothing worth watching.

Then came in my roomie ... he is at Tead Lead position and said that he'll be going to Gurgaon for his new assignment that too on coming Monday. I felt a little concern ... he a modest and very nice guy ... I call him sir ji/sanjeev bhai .. but, now I am used to people coming in and moving out of my life. I got hold of my mobile and called my another flat mate ... a better friend of mine ... he was getting late closing his day's work. In came the maid ... asked what has to be cooked for dinner ... nothing was there just a cabbage, chapatis and daal.

A conversation broke in among we roomies ... we talked for, may be an hour. The fourth flat-mate came in ... he wasn't having a good mood ... little disturbed ... something at work drew his active attention... it happens an odd day goes well another one good for nothing.

We had dinner ... started watching Kung fu panda ... but others were too tired to continue ... they went to sleep .. I came down to write this stuff for this is making relaxed and at peace. All this is attributed to a new friend who has helped this idea into my mind ... to write off the thoughts, moods, moments, sadness, happiness, ideas, opinions ... to pour myself into this little space on the internet .. my small, almost non-existent blog.

A couple of days back I knew nothing about my new friend ... frankly these days I really never bother to know anybody, but then .. it happened ... what people say you get positive and negative vibes and you respond to them .... so thats how got in touch with new person I know so slightly and already this person has helped me a great deal. May be someday i'll get a fair chance to say Thank you.

Its 12:28 a.m. at night.... I am in no mood to sleep ... want to write more ... listening to soft and slow songs ... a couple of favorite instrumentals .... I guess this will be another night when i'll be up till the dawn breaks ... nothing new to me ... I passed a disturbed time in the past when I used to stay awake for the whole night, used to sleep at 5 or 6 in the morning and then again getting up at 3 in the afternoon and repeating the same cycle over and over again for around 6-7 months.
For now just thinking something else to type in here .... listening another favorite song ... the night is really quiet now past mid-night.

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