Sunday, January 10, 2010

Masters of the Art

The word “Art” can sum up every possible act in this world when performed with vigour, charm, passion, love and without a trace of compunction in doing that act. The demeanour of the masters of an art is like a Lime stone rock sheltering cavernous abyss of knowledge. They take out a wondrous thought and approach here and there out of their immense love for their subject of study and practice. These people cannot be equaled or paralleled when they get going.

A master has an uncanny ability to visualize and converge on subtle inferences. The ardent attitude towards their part of knowledge in this universe make them very difficult people to accompany. A mere thought of such company makes a less aware person think of himself/herself as a low form of bacterium and a kind of terror strikes in their pit of stomachs. One has to be continuously saying or stating something intelligent with the master of an art otherwise a retrograde feeling so strong bubbles up that the person with lesser outlook becomes tongue tied and deserving enough to be kicked out of sight.
A master acquires the power to decide whether an abiding has to be a Scruple or ignorance. Their writings are like covenants. Generations mull over their thoughts for years in absolute awe. Every transpiration of ideas becomes a hatch for aesthetes inspiring them to achieve new heights in their field of study.
A master of an art belongs to a different stratum of society, the very elite ones, not by materialistic wealth but by the intellectual wealth. Anyone can be a master if he/she is ready to become indifferent and immune of all the happenings and opinions around and just drop dead in love with the power of knowledge.
A few such masters to be named can be as follow without any disrespect to those whom i do not recollect names of.
V.S Naipual, Albert Einstein, Amartya Sen, Stephen Hawkings, Adolf Hitler, Tom Hanks, Sachin Tendulkar and list will go without stopping. But, then these are very few who have stepped into the likes of masters of their art. Quantitatively, still they account for a mere spec against the intellectual popullation on our little planet the Mother Earth.

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