Sunday, January 10, 2010

Who for Whom ? Who for me ? Who for you ?

A wedding in India is always made in heaven. Just the knot remains to be tied in this world. Indian bride and bridegroom ... a typical couple wrapped in all sorts of complications of bearing each other, compromising for each other, playing ring master and ring mistress over each other's freedom, being nice to relatives, reproducing sooner or later, bearing the child's responsibilities ... blah blah blah ... the list goes on. Scrutinizing on Basic things only, pleasure of being with someone special in your life is all lost. This is not at all touching any context of financial being of any human soul.

Still, in our blessed country people don't have the right to make their choices about their own lives ... the society is changing, going free from a conservative one ... The issues become ballistic here if someone wants to be himself or herself and break free some of the conventional chains of social bindings. Whats the fuzz is all about ? ... Almost everyone in this world will be an idealist and say the line with proud, "I believe in live and let live funda" ... all crap.
A thing we must understand first is that marriages aren't made in heaven ... its each of us on this earth who have enough intelligence to choose who to be with and whom not to be with. All other species around us have just a single purpose for male and female existence of their kind and that is to reproduce and move forward their kind by one more generation. It is us, the humans who have taken things a step further, we care for each other, we can decide.

The is the beauty of human beings ... they can become so pliant for each other when it comes to surmount complications. But, the irony that we exactly don't know for whom we should care with all our care ... Then we say emotions are all fraudulent driving waves in us. "Don't be emotional" becomes the basic tagline. And in all this confusion we loose the feeling of compassion and distrust becomes our primary weapon of attack and defense against each other. But of-course we can't trust everyone around. Reason being one more human trait, backstabbing. Lets put aside this for later.

Making a decision for us about who should be our soul mate is a blessing if you choose right and at the same time it is a curse if you choose wrong. Sometimes a male dares and say to his counterpart, a female, that he likes her and sometimes the female does this to a male. They starting getting along and 99% cases see a break up of their first relationship of life. They become emotionally drained and say that no i won't do this emotional thing ever again. Just there we loose all the power of being human and having the capability to decide.

See it like this, suppose you are a female and a male comes your way and goes away after sometime, you become hurt and keep it that way only for coming future. Being hurt is natural, being sad is natural, but all we forget amongst all the thinking and maturing is that there are so many of our kind out there and may be even better ones. What happens in other species? The male runs for a female and if he is not accepted by this female he runs again for another female ... We humans take rejection way too seriously.

If someone is not ready to be your Mrs. or Mr., take it easy ... don't forget there are many more who can be considered ... the punch line is ... just keep your eyes, ears and all senses perfectly open and set parameters to choose the right one for you. When he or she comes don't play dumb or be shy, be bold and take the first step forward, say what you feel. Again an acceptance or rejection will be the outcome but, again whatever it might be ... take it easy. The best part of this is, there are so many out there. Look for some one who gets easily in sync with you and share similar vibes and then only a state of harmony can be reached.

Finally, trusting your parents isn't a bad move to get your better half. Parents have loads of more experience with this world than we do but, we are also gaining experience, in our own ways and we must not stop believing in ourselves when it comes to take decisions. If you feel the other person is mature enough to hear you, take a step forward and speak your heart out, or you'll always regret later for your another decision.
Who for whom ?? Who for me ?? Who for you ?? Answer the middle one and you are happy. Answer the first one and the second one is automatically answered. Answer the third one and your are already helping your friends. Try it.

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