Sunday, January 10, 2010

Don’t Hold … Let Go

Don’t hold, don’t hold,
Every moment is a token of belief, every belief makes moments we live,
An instinct storming in, a surging climax of emotions flaring out,
A pearl dropped out of eyes, is the pain worth of sighs?,
An assumption worth a smile is better than a truth worth a shriek,
Let the logic beaten by the intuition and let it’s notion of defeat be the victory of heart,
Let go, let go, Let the heart have a dialog, let it come forth the intellect.
Don’t hold, don’t hold,
A soothing dream and a hard fact, choose the dream,
Force the reasoning to shut up, let the delight of love speak out loud,
Try the impossible, endeavor, take the chance,
Hesitation is always doomed with crossroads, never hesitate to express,
Let heart be happy, keep,”Once bitten twice shy”, out of the thought’s country ,
Let go, let go, Keep no regrets, never play the referee in the game of desires.
Don’t hold, don’t hold,
See a bird, power the imagination with wings of hope,
Dare to be Icarus, mark the moment, take the flight,
Say it loud, “Here I am, Here I am”, taking my chances,
Play with all the flair in the game of hope, defunct the fear of loosing,
Many more matches remain to take head on, many more games to play,
Let go, let go, explore the jungle of passion, emotions, excitement, be the lion/lioness, the jungle is yours.
Don’t hold, don’t hold,
Opportunity seldom knocks twice, pick the occassion,
Make your place in memories not in time, for time will tag you as history,
A remembrance is a victory at the game of desires,
Be a twinkling star in midst of the inky void of ones restraining themselves back,
Never keep it to yourself, revelation appeases the heart,
Let go, let go, every moment is yours, every moment is winning.

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