Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A quiet day ... Mixed feelings

A quite day, I relaxed and had my private time at home, trying to be at easy with acute pain right below my left shoulder at the back. A bright, shiny and windy day. I love it when temperature isn't soaring and the sunshine is accompanied with cool breeze. Watching down to the growing trees and ferns swinging with the blowing wind. All this reminds me the school campus, big playing field, basketball courts, eucalyptus trees towering right inside the campus wall like tall insurmountable guardians of the campus interiors. Behind the playing field were the teacher's residences with a beautiful vista of ashok trees just in front of the residences' walkway.

Today, the weather, the breeze, the nothing to worry feel took me subconsciously into the peaceful, unrestricted, free of worldly affairs and careless childhood days. The days when we studied the basics of science and other things never knowing these will become things of prestige and public image when we will open our mouths to debrief somebody on our opinions based on all this knowledge. For an instance, with my little knowledge of physics I can explain to somebody that when we see the setting sun on the horizon, in fact it has gone below the horizon already and we are not watching the sun directly. It is the refraction through the layers of the atmosphere that we are still looking at it but, in reality the sun has already gone out of direct sight.  The light are bent towards us due to the viscosity of the atmosphere, which in terms of physics we say the refractive index of a medium. Then I can argue on the fact that if our atmosphere offered total internal reflection there won't be night anywhere on this planet altogether. Feeling and applying the little things we glean throughout our life really makes us acquainted with our surroundings so well. Isn't ?

Then a streak of orange tail moving forward appeared in the purple-orange evening sky, it was a jet airliner cruising at tremendous speed towards its destination. That sight pulled me from the physics I was pondering over a moment ago and made me a little philosophical with the thought process. How much focussed is the jet airliner's accent toward its destination. How much straight it is moving, not at all affected by the world below, not affected by the people and their opinions about it. It is just making its journey and is only concerned about getting to the place safely with all the passengers on-board. Can't we behave like a jet airliner ? Why we become so much distracted and disoriented with the things around us and change our course of accent into the future every now and then ? Well, it is another big debatable thing, taking into account a lot more things than just reasoning and purpose of behavior.

A little rhyme for each of us for what we do in our lives day in and day out::

I play by rules, I break the rules
I know new things everyday, I become ignorant everyday
I gain respect, I give respect
I feel the pain, I heal the pain
I stalk my inspiration, I talk it as my motivation
I make new friends, most of them come as fake friends
I listen to the elderly, it helps me see clearly
I watch old plans, I hatch new plans
I observe nature, I observe its creatures

P.S. ::- I will graduate the college of life the day I will die. Till then it is all learning, clearing life's examinations, failing life's examinations, cheating at life's examinations and rejoicing at the campus called world.

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